For 2021 coming to you as a live streaming event on Zoom, FaceBook and YouTube
May 3rd 2021 - 5pm to 7pm

Stinging Nettles are one of our most under-appreciated and under-used natural resources in the UK. It’s perfectly understandable, after all they do sting!

However, NettleFest is going to try to help you to appreciate all that is good about the humble stinging nettle, and show you the potential uses for them, including:

  • Food
  • Drink
  • Medicine
  • Fibres and clothing
  • Rich plant compost
  • Food and Shelter for wildlife
  • Soap and toiletries
  • More…

What can you see at NettleFest?

A cooking demo

Nettle risotto being prepared

Learn about nettle medicine

Learn about nettle nutrition

Why nettles are good for our wildlife

Ladybird larvae on nettle leaf
Nettles as a favoured food for insects

Nettle cocktails and snacks

Stinging nettle cocktails
Nettle cocktail bar

Why nettles are good for your garden

Nettle folklore and mythology

Yogi Milarepa
Yogi Milarepa. who famously survived on little more than nettle tea, turning his skin green

How to identify nettles

Classical nettle botanical drawing